دسترسی سریع به :

 :The Vice- Chancellor’s Office in Food & Drug performs the following missions

 Maintaining health and security of food stuff, beverages, cosmetics, and sanitary products in the areas under the coverage of the university

 Maintaining, providing, and enhancing drug services quality system

 Preparing and enhancing people’s accessibility to drug rendering services in the areas under the coverage of the university

 Accessing the drug e-system

 Supervising the production process of food stuff, beverages, cosmetics, and sanitary products with a tendency towards reducing the permission issuance office work

 Modifying the culture of prescribing and consuming drugs for the better, as well as preventing the untoward drug side effects

 Promoting applied research processes in practice

 Elevating the quality of food stuff, beverages, cosmetics, and sanitary products manufacture and supply centers, while increasing their technological and scientific knowledge levels

 Elevating mass network supervision levels

 Elevating scientific and practical potentials of the food and drug supervising system

 Promoting the quality of rendering services, and elevating the satisfaction levels of service receivers